Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hola family! Ok so first off I was able to upload some pictures so I hope you can see them, let me know. The first one is of me in Ventura! Holla! It is so beautiful! Second is back at the MTC of my district, it was our last temple walk..sad day. Thrid is of me and my new companion Hermana Frost! Fourth you have me at my first baptism!!! (p.s. i promise I am a missionary..for some reason my tag was covered. Whoops)..His name is Antonio and before he met the missionaries he had been reading the bible and praying for something. So its pretty sweet. Hes really solid and works so hard and still makes time to read the book of mormon. And when I mean he works hard he works 2 jobs and sleeps maybe 2 hours a day...and gave up monsters and coffee to keep him awake. SO COOL! We have 2 baptisms this saturday, Enriqueta and Luis...they are solid as well. Luis was praying for a sign when the missionaries talked to him in the street and one of Enriqueta's roommates got a pass along card and she saw it and called the number. MILAGROS! (miracles) Oh and speaking of Miracles one of our investigators came to the movie night and to all 3 hours of church! PROGRESS! Im so excited for him!

The Ward I serve in wants to serve missionaries ALL THE TIME. Its nice, haha and the kiss everyone. Im such a Mexican! YAA!

Ok, so from what dad said you guys really had a stressful/injury filled week. Im sorry :( that makes me sad. I hope everything is looking up but it is so good to hear that you are all working to help each other out. Keep it up, that is what family i for. Tell Jeff I said Happy Birthday!!

And mom, got your letter, I felt really bad for kinda giving you all grief about not writing me a email last week, didnt know were writting an actual letter. Email is good though. I enjoyed getting your letter and hearing about everything. I miss you all lots, but being a missionary is so awesome! Tell Branden he is so awesome for walking that 20 miles!! Go him! Tell him Im proud of him! Wow, also tell the Elders in the ward to keep it up! Definitley go to the baptisms, new converts need as much support as they can get.
I need to write jamie and jeff, what is there email address??

I can really tell that the world back home is still moving along, which is weird because I feel like everything there should be on pause until I get back. Its a really weird feeling. Like I feel like I'll get back and everyone will be playin poop head and everyone will be the same age. Its a weird feeling, thats the only way I can describe it.

Haha so most of the time I forget Im in california because I mostly feel like Im in Mexico most of the time. Its great though. Vive Mexico! Haha..Also hahaha..ok to me this is funny, but we were visiting a less active member the other day and she told me and her and some of the people in the ward thought I was from Spain. Haha cause I mentioned how Aunt Patty and Uncle Jack live in Mexico and she was like...are you Mexican?...and I was like no I am from Las Vegas...she was really confused. Anyway now I'm from Spain, I'm not an American.

yeah people here are pretty freaked out by the earthquake/ tsunami but I guess because we have the islands right here we are more protected. I still don't feel like any of that is real.

Ok this is going to be a pretty short letter, Im sorry. I love you all. I told myself I would remember everything I wanted to tell you, but I didnt...soooo I guess I'm going to have to start writting it down. Being a missionary is so sweet. Every day Im so ready for bed and tired, but there is nothing I would rather be doing.

Yes it rained here all yesterday, so that was my first experience tracting in the rain. Haha it was great.

People feed us a lot....a lot. Its nice....but I dont get near enough exercise for that. Hahaha...ahhhh. Mexican food is really good. But I dont like their all. haha. But I know how to eat like a real Mexican now! Yay!

I love you all lots and lots! Tell the Relief Society thanks so much for the package! I will write the ward soon!

I am so grateful for all you do for me, thank you so much, I won't ever be able to repay you Mom and Dad!

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