Monday, January 2, 2012


Haha I decided that Im just going back and counting with Hna Hunter, we've had one week in the field. Haha. Yes my new companions name is Hna Hunter, she is from St.George Utah and is super fun. She is so excited to be a missionary and her spanish is SO GOOD. Made me feel great since of course mine isn't the best haha. Im just so impressed with her because she just gets out there and does it. IM SUCH A PROUD MOM (in the mission your trainer is your mom). We are still in the same area living in the same house with the same family. They have given her a great welcome. (photo attached)

So just a random tidbit. Did you know you can send me emails any day of the week? you don't have to wait until p day to send them. Im just not sure you know that? Ha :)

Well this has just gone by so fast. Its been fun to watch her eat her first mexican bread...first puche...first tamales, ext.

We've been able to teach some great people this week. One being a older woman named Rosario. We met them in the park weeks ago and her husband seemed super interested and she just kept ignoring us. We finally found them at home like 2 weeks ago and taught them about the Book of Mormon, again the husband was the one asking question ext. So we came back and her husband was gone and I saw her Book of Mormon open on the table, she had been really studying it and we taught her the restoration. In her prayer she prayed that she could know if Joseph Smith was a prophet. It was so sweet. I was very surprised/ excited.

We also taught Silvia twice this week. The first time we taught her about tithing and fasting and then chastity. They aren't married but everything is ready to get married so we were wondering what the hold up was. We had a very spiritual lesson and he committed to go buy the license. I just love them. She is SO excited to get baptized.

Mario....oh man. So awesome. So we get to his appointment and he had SO many questions about going to church and how he wants to look nice even though he knows he can go dressed how he is he wants to feel comfortable and he doesn't have money to go buy nice stuff...bla bla bla. So first I told him that my skirt I bought for like 3 dollars and a second hand store..and then had a great lessons just peeling away his question. because it had tons of layers. Next lesson we came back and he was like "hermanas I want to show you something"....he went in his closet and he brought out CHURCH CLOTHES. He went to the second hand store and bought some. I was so pumped. I almost cried.

I know God guides his children if they are willing to be guided.

Ive got to go..time is short BUT I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! OH and did you get a campsite? Oh and I will be calling president today to see what I can do with BYUI

Here is a new years eve quote president sent us that I loved

“I think January ought to be a happy month of the year. Of all people on the face of the earth, Latter-day Saints, with the perspective given them by the gospel, ought to be happy and optimistic…January always brings a renewed hope for personal and family progress in the coming year. It is the time of the year when people tend to set goals and make commitments—resolutions, if you will, New Year's resolutions.

“[The gospel of Jesus Christ] is a gospel of repentance, and we need to be repenting and resolving. Indeed, the process of repenting, making commitments, and setting goals should be a continuous one, so there is nothing wrong with using this traditional time of the year to evaluate the past and plan the future. It is much like our personal prayers in which, while communicating with our Father in Heaven, we ponder our thoughts, words, and deeds of the day and seek help in our personal progress for the morrow. The practice of reviewing the past and setting new directions for the future is a very healthy one, a scripturally encouraging one, in which we can beneficially alter our lives. I commend the practice to you, especially if it is thoughtfully pursued and the resolutions made are made in righteousness, bringing behaviors and attitudes that truly bless your lives and the lives of others.

“My young friends, it is appropriate at this time of the year that we reflect on the past and our future and on the direction of our lives. It is worthy to make resolutions regarding our behavior, goals, or pursuits. Such resolutions become mileposts to guide our lives, now and later. They will lead us past the kind of transitory fads that evaporate like the morning dew in the heat of the sun.”

(Elder Howard W. Hunter, Address given at Brigham Young University on January 5, 1992)

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