Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Footie Pjs....thats a great idea

Hola familia!! How are you? I love hearing from you guys! It makes my day! I am so grateful for all of your love and support.

So this week. This week has been so good. I really love being a missionary. I feel like I learn so much every day and every time I learn something knew I feel less adequte...but in a good way. Like I am nothing...but the Lord makes up for EVERYTHING. All I have to do is rely on him in all my doings and I will be a great missionary. Does that make sense? Its really cool. I also learned a lot about humility. I learned that as a missionary a part of being humble is being bold, because it means that you are confident in the things of the Lord and you aren't worried about what you might "look like", I think that is so true. I need a lot more humility. haha.

Oh so with Spanish this week, I finally have gotten to the point where I really and honestly don't stress about it because I know that I will be taken care of and as long as I am continually trying to do my best it will come. I know its comign more and more every day. Haha the other day we had our TRC (which is where we go to this place and practice being a missionary...haha and they give you a task to do with volunteer investigators), well we had a native speaker as a "member" this week. She was from Peru and so sweet. However, it was an interesting experience because instead of talking to the investigator like the member really would she would look at us and tell us what to ask the ivestigator while we were in the middle of talking. Ha it was really hard, but she was so sweet and really wanted to help us. We have taught all our lessons in spanish, no english at all and I think we have done pretty good. My spanish isn't perfect but its getting better.

How was everyone's valentines day? How was watching Dave and Lisa on the Wheel of Fortune, Mariah mentioned it but didn't give me details. I want to know every detail. How is everyone in the family doing? Is Jamie recovering from the loss of the Steelers? (Sorry Jamie). How are the grandkids? Did they get my letters? Tell them thanks for the Valentines, I loved them!

My companion is so great. We really are a lot alike, like really its weird. We have started saying the same things at the same time and we even do the same stretches at the same time. Like one time we were both sitting on the couch and we leaned off the edges with one arm in the air. hahaha. Weird. We have now started doing this thing where we get ready for bed and then we turn off the lights in our room and lay on the floor. We call it meditating but really its just laying there and talking haha. Its been a good stress reliever. Oh and if for some reason some girl is reading this that is wanting to go on a mission let me give you some advice on things to bring. Bring a lot of cardigans, I wish I brought more. Bring lots of belts and things to mix up outfits with. I brought a lot of head bands but they hurt my head so I never wear them. Bring lots of high undershirts...you will feel more comfortable trust me. Yeah thats really all I can think of right now haha.

Lets see...not much has happened this week...same old same old. But its great. Oh I think we have something like 20 days left here? Im not really sure but close to that. Sometimes I forget that I'm ever going to California. Im excited for the not cold and the humidity. OH it has been warmer here lately, its been so nice. Yesterday in gym we went and ran outside because it was so nice! It gives me hope that I wont ALWAYS be a whitey. Haha. Really.

How is the ward? How is everything? Played any games lately or anything fun? Any good movies? Tell me how life is going. Tell Dad to write his daughter haha. Oh and thank you guys so much for the Valentines day card. I'm glad you didn't forget that I am a princess haha. It did make me miss Disneyland though.

Oh ok heres another Ive been thinking about this week. OK so you know how a lot of people talk about us "sacrificing" two years. Well I shouldn't just do that. Why because even Laman and Lemuel "sacrificed". I need to concecrate my mission. Everything I do should be so I can be a better missionary, so I can be more effective. Another thing people say a lot is "the Lord has given me so much...this is like me giving back". Ah thats crazy, because really He's just giving us MORE but LETTING us serve missions. Its crazy. We will be forever in debt to our Heavenly Father and to Jesus Christ. I am sooo grateful for the experience to come to earth and experience all these things.

Lets see, I can't think of what else to tell you, oh on Wednesday (not tomorrow next Wednesday) me and my companion will be the only Hermanas in our zone. Yikes. Can you say patience builder much? Haha just kidding. sorta.

So I really don't know what else to say, we have our devotional again tonight and they are always so cool. My favorite part (and maybe one of my favorite parts about the MTC) is when we sing the hymns because it is 2000 missionaries singing about the gospel they are so excited to go preach. Did I already talk about this? I might have. Sorry if I did but it is so cool.

Oh! I dont think I ever told you how Sundays go around here. Well your "zone" is also your Branch. So every sacrament meeting is with your zone. Well we all have to prepare a talk every week and then on Sunday when they are just standing at the pulpit after the sacrament is passed one of the Branch presidency gets up and tells who is going to speak. Its super on the spot and so this Sunday I got called on to speak. Haha. Oh it was interesting, when I was bearing my testimony I called everyone "misionerAs" instead of misioneros" so I pretty much called all the Elders females. Awesome.

Thank you so much for all you do for me. I am so grateful for it. I don't deserve it but I am thankful for it. Oh tell Dave to write me and tell me how he likes his CD. Give everyone a big hug for me!
Tell Grandpa I think its so cool that he is reading the Book of Mormon, tell him to write me and tell me what he thinks of it!

I love you all so much and I hope that you have a really good week. I don't know if these weeks go as fast for me as they do for you, but its crazy.


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