Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well hola, first off I would like to thank everyone for the weekly emails...and by that i mean thanks dad. Haha. Just kidding..sort of. Anyway today is Monday which is my pdays here in the California, Venutra Mission. Woo hoo! We go to a library and use the computers here with our library card but I had to just get a temp. because I havent had any mail come to me to prove that Im a resident. No worries though. :) So I guess you want the ligustics first. Well I am in good 'ol Oxnard, California haha. I am never more than like 5 miles from the beach...ish. But I never see it. My hair knows about a fro. haha. My companion is Hermana Frost and she is from Montecello, Utah. She has 2 transfers left in her mission. Crazy. Transfers are every 6 weeks so thats when I can move..maybe (doubt it). So they prefer that all mail be sent through the mission office because we move so often and they can foward it that day so it only delays it a day if that. So put that address up. My address at my apartment though (if you want to google map it or something haha) is 1940 Ginger #50 Oxnard California. We don't live in the area we serve in thoug (because this area is safer haha). We are in a spanish ward and we have a set of Elders that serve in our ward as well. Yeah. haha.
Oh and Dad, just use a picture from the family photos or something. Dont use the one with Landon..that one is awful...out all the pictures i sent you choose that one? doesnt have to be a full length picture or anything, and i cant email in order to get the pictures I have now you have to send me my other SD card back. haha :) love you guys.

Ok..well California is beautiful. I love the weather...although its a tiny bit cold for me sometimes. Spanish is still learning and im mostly the smiling companion but I do try to put in my two cents when I understand and my companion has been really helpful at helping me teach parts of the lessons. Its great! We have 3 people with baptism dates and they are all super solid! One is getting baptized on saturday. Its so cheesy but even though I just met all these people and I can barely understand what they are saying I love them so much! I also love spanish even though I don't fully understand everything they say. Since I have been here everything has been busy, we knock, have appointment, visit less actives, have dinner with members(ill write more about this), have meetings, ext. Luckily we have a car, a 2010 carolla to be exact. I was also told that I will always have a car so we dont have to worry about the bike thing at all which is nice.

The members are great and we have dinner appointments every night.....and its a really huge deal that im a vegetarian. Hm. Like haha..ahhh. I feel so bad because every time they tell them they seem so beside themselves and worry so much and I dont exactly know what to say either....because I can't really speak spanish haha. But I try. Itll all work out, but its an interesting experience. I havent ever had to talk about my eating habits every single day. Also...haha they feed us a lot of food and they never stop haha. Its a good thing we can run every morning but I dont know if that will make up for it haha.

We have found a new investigator that seems really hopeful. Its so awesome to just be able to testify to people all day about the gospel! YOu just want everyone to accept it. I havent had any doors slammed in my face or yelled at. Pero, one lady let us in and we were teaching her the first lesson and her little kid came up and pulled up her shirt and started nursing. I was like...WOA. haaa. weird stuff. haha also..ok im going to tell you this because my companion is just so sweet but we were talking to these new investigators and my companion was like...what happened to your neck...and she was like..umm thats a hickey..hahahaha. Oh man. I wanted to die it was so funny.

Ok random note but im spying on the elder in front of me and he is adding pictures so i guess I can do week por que my chord is at my house.

My companion told me Im going to make a good Mexican...dont really know what that means but ill roll with it. Lip liner here I come!!! Just kidding. I guess its just because I like all the hot stuff and how every time I see a cart with corn and chili I want to stop and get some..I havent yet but it WILL happen, and i'll say "get that corn outta my face".

It was way good to talk to you all. Even if it was for a very short time and I didnt know exactly what to say. Its always good to hear from home. Are you all excited for conference? I am! I havent figured out if Ill be watching in English or Spanish. I guess I should find that out. Also, sorry if I write in English, I promise I can speak spanish but its just a lot faster and easier in last time I checked I didnt think you all spoke Spanish.

Let the sibs know they can email me..on this email...and that I check it on mondays haha.

I dont really know what else to say. My investigators are so awesome, my companion helps me a ton, we eat a lot, the weather is perfect, the gospel is true, spanish is the best language ever, i have fro hair, Im not afraid of knocking doors, i read the bom, my family is awesome...yeah.

OH funny the first night in the mission home I didnt sleep there because...well hi there was 15 elders sleeping i stayed at a member of the stakes house and I had a queen bed and a room to myself (it was really weird)...then we got back together with the Elders. Its the first time I was really home sick while on my mission...and it was for my district at the ridiculous is that? Haha.

SO yeah, just have the mission home address on the blog so people can write if they want. Um, OH so there was that earthquake in we had our weekly planning that day which means we leave the apartment much later than normal and our first appointment was at like 230? Well they were all freaked out and the elders (every time we eat dinner its with the elders..OH and in spanish culture they feed us but dont eat with us..) ANYWAY..the elders were like can you all swim? I guess we had a tsunami to us. Nothing happened obviously, but it was interesting. I bet there was some sweet waves here...

Ok well I guess this is long enough. Missionary work is awesome! Love you lots and am so grateful for all you do.. Hope you are all still reading the B.O.M!

-Hermana Kayla Tippetts

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