Monday, December 26, 2011


Welp we got our transfer calls...actually our calls started last night. We were in an appointment and we heard the little beep of our phone. We got out of the appointment and we saw that it was a random number and they didn't leave a message and it was 9 so we figured we would just call it back the next day. Then we started driving and we got another call from the same number so Hna Clark answered because I was driving. She started talking to the person in spanish and I was SOO curious who it was...finally she looked at me and she mouthed "Its Elder Bills"...who is one of the assistants to the President. He then said Hna can I talk to your companion Hna Tippetts? She said of course and put on speaker phone. He did all the little small talk and then finally cut to the chase and said "Hna you have been called by the Lord to serve as a trainer this next transfer".....BAAAAAAAAAAA. Of course I said ok and he said wed find out where tomorrow. So this morning right before studies we got a call from the zone leaders and we found out that I will be training here in Newbury Park!! Yayyy I finally get to stay in an area longer than 2 transfers. Hna Clark will be going to Taft (a little town outside of Bakersfield) and she will be white washing with an older missionary (white washing means there use to be Elders there and now there will be Hermanas). Its going to be such an adventure for her and I think that is what has given me the most confidence. I am just so excited for her and her new adventure. Im praying that my baby will be a native but we will see. I know the Lord qualifies who he calls. Hijole. We will see.

Anywayyyyyy....a quick few things because we have to go.
1. Thank you SOOO much for all the love you all have sent me. I love the CDS SOOO much and I love my spanish CTR ring. Everything is so beautiful. THANK YOU.

2.It was great hearing all of your voices even if it was just a random conversation. Haha. I just love you all so much

3. a member was so convinced that I was leaving that he gave me a tearful goodbye. HAHA can't wait to see him Wednesday.

4. Mario. He is the boyfriend of a member. He pretty much became a member because of the BOM c=CDS you sent me Dad because he has a hard time reading so has avoided the missionaries but the CD made him so excited. Anyway he's listened to it every day and loves the BOM. We've taught him twice now and we taught him about the BOM and prayers he was so touched about the fact that we just bare our heart to our heavenly father and he was very teary eyed after the prayer. He didn't come to church though so we will have to focus on that more. I loved the Restoration and it makes a lot of sense to him

5.We were knocking and found this random less active member that we didn't know existed

6.I have this random note in my agenda to say and Im not exactly sure what it says joy=diligence in the work of the Lord. Im pretty sure I was studying PMG or something and I know that that is where we find joy is when we are diligently serving the Lord and his children

7. We went to a christmas devotional in wednesday with the missionaries from Ventura, Oxnard, Thousand Oaks, and Simi Valley. It was really spiritual and really got me thinking about how this feeling we feel during the season can last forever

8. Also at the christmas devotional I found out that a couple of people I taught in Oxnard got baptized and one is preparing to be baptized!!!!! That made my week. I love that family so much!

9. Im glad you had a good christmas and that Jed Chrissy and Jaden could come over. I thought about them during the court day. Im assuming everything worked out?

10. I can't stop at 9 soooo Silvia is doing wonderfully and will be baptized on the 28th of Jan. YAY! Along with her daughter.


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