Tuesday, August 9, 2011

4 heads up pennies

Welp...HELLO again. Im trying to upload some pictures...but its not really working. Ill have to send this card home because I cant even print off pictures at most of the photo places becausse there is that like huge file you put on here. But thats alright, Ill send it home next week and you can have more pictures.

ANYWAY. Hows it going? I saw that you planned on emailing again today but Tuesdays are crazy and since we have to make a reservation ahead of time sometimes the times will be different and we like to do our emails as early as possible so we arent taking away from good proselating time. So para que sepa...(just so you know).

Oh stinky 'ol Arvrin. How I love it here. Really. I have just felt so good the last couple of days. I feel really at home with these people here. Of course I have loved every area I have been in and all the people I have taught but its just really awesome here.

Speaking of areas....ERIKA and GENARO GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!! Friday during lunch we got the mail and I had a letter from Hna Burch and I was so nervous to open it....but the first thing I saw was a happy couple dressed in white. Seriously...I think I jumped like 5 feet into the air...like 3 times. They are so amazing and Im a little sad that I wasnt there for it, but it really doesnt matter. THEY ARE BAPTIZED!!!!!! Then a few minutes later I read this scripture and it fit that ppicture perfectly its 3 Nephi 19:25. I love it. Happy Happy Happy.

So some experiences we had this week:
So last Wednesday for district meeting we talked a TON about pray and it was really inspiring and we all felt really uplifted. So we went out to work and like an hour later we are walking down this street and we see this shirtless smoking man sitting on his porch. gross. Well...you can ask my companion....i just talk to everyone (she teases me for it but now shes doing too haha...actually I caught her waving to people in the street while we are in the car..just like I do..its precious)...anyway i thought...mmmm maybe we can just skip this guy...but we thought better of it and went and talked to him. IT WAS AWESOME. Well actually first he starts telling us about these voices that he hears in his head and we are just talking to him (and of course it occurs to me that Im totally acting normal while this person is telling me that they hear voices in their head...) but long story short we were able to sit down with him and teach him about prayer and use all of the things we just learned in district meeting. (and of course by this time he had put on a shirt and stopped smoking. MIRACLE). THEN, he prayed. It was awesome.

Then just yesterday we had an appointment with Doris, but she was "showering". Bummer. But as we were leaving her house we found 4 pennies heads up....4...different places. So we had plans to go some where else but we thought.."hey we are probably on this street for a reason..lets go knock some doors". So we head over to the other side of the street and as we turn around the corner from a car we almost run into 2 people and we said hi. Normally we have to like stop someone, but they just stopped and started talking to us. Come to find out..Estela lived in Mexico and had gone to our church a few times and really liked it, but she didnt know there was one here. So we asked her to go to church and she just said yes. Like...we didnt have to do anything, they both just want to come to church. So we have their phone numbers and address. So awesome. So they were the first two lucky pennies (just so you know I none of this happened because of pennies). So then as we are driving to our next appointment we get a phone call from Rodrigo (an investigador that has a baptismal date but had kinda fell off the face of the earth for 2 days) and we were able to get him a ride for FHE and set up an appointment.
THEN we were able to contact one of our referals named Antonia. SHE IS AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGG. Shes a single mom with a couple kids and she was referred to us by one of the recent converts that we work with and he just told her how much the gospel has helped him (hi, I was super proud of him). While we were teaching her I actually had a really cool experience...while she was talking I kinda thought of a scripture that I would love to share but I had no idea where it was..so I just kept listening and then I opened up the BOM and THERE IT WAS. Right and front of me. I know God lives, I know He loves us, and in moments like that I really know that He is taking care of all of His Children. It was amazing. I cant even describe it to you.

Oh and then on sunday...I was just super bummed out in the morning (not super..super), but none of our investigators were coming to church and I know its what they need to progress and 2 of the recent converts here havent been coming to church and they went to a party the night before but I was so worried they were going to come, but we walk in the doors and there they were sitting on the bench AND with a friend they had brought. I was super happy. Then as we were taking the sacrament I started reading the English handbook and decided to read "Be Still My Soul", and it was such an answer to my prayers....I know that God answers prayers and if we will "be where we are suppose to be doing the things we are suppose to do we will be blessed" (thanks bishop horlocher). We need to be in church...we need to be reading the scriptures and out doing good. God will bless us with what we need.

We have zone conference tomorrow which means we get to see President and learn from all the other missionaries. Im so pumped!

I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH AND MISS YOU!!! BUT! There is no where else on this earth I would want to be than stinky ol' Arvin (Lamont and Tahachapi)

I really hope you all have a great week!

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