Monday, May 23, 2011

Welp...I'm still here in good ol' Oxnard

Buenas Dias familia! I hope your week was fantastic! Haha so this week I put a sticky note in my planner so if I thought of anything to tell you I could write it down and remember to tell you. I used it, but not as much as I should have. Haha sorry. How is the heat? Someone told me it was like 96 there the other day. Must be nice, but Im good with living on the beach (sort of) for right now. (watch im going to get sent to bakersfield now haha).

So I actually randomly thought of something I might I eat smoothies every day for breakfast ( I know proud), and for a while I was drinking them with the straw that goes inside my water bottle. But I stopped....and its just not as fun to eat smoothies with out a straw. So I would like to be a proud owner of like a really cool disney straw..or something like that. Something to give breakfast a little kick. :) haha.

So we had zone conference last week and I think I already told you about that but one of the things I think I forgot to tell you is that we are getting a new mission president in June. Crazy, this doesnt happen to a lot of people, but it should be exciting and different. They actually have kids too so the mission home will be a lot different. I'm excited that I get to go to the last transfer meeting with President Murri (I get to go because Hna Frost is going home). Having a companion that is "dying" (going home) is really weird. Like she is suuuuper focused still and diligent but shes going home...and it just reminds me how short the time is here and how badly I just want to work as hard as possible. Crazy.

Oh so if you guys want to get involved in missionary work I found a really cool and easy way. Well actually the stake president here encouraged us all to do this (the members of the stake). If you go on you can create a profile of your beliefs and stuff about your life so people can see how different we are and maybe your profile can touch them and they can connect with you. You could also put your link on your facebook/blog/whatever so people can read your testimony. I would encourage all you to do. President encouraged us to have our families do it so our investigators could read about our fam...but that wont work for us unless all of a sudden you all speak spanish. Haha. But its still a good thing to do...DO IT! Haha.

So this week we had a wedding/baptism. It wasnt our investigator but it was an investigator of the Elders that serve in our ward and we eat dinner with the family a lot. Also another family in our ward got sealed so they had a huge fiesta at the church. We went to eat and they were all dancing...and I leaned over to Hna. Frost and was like "that happened to me in Mexico when I was 14....." hahaha. Because it was totally the same type of dancing hahaha. Flashbacks. (I hope Missy reads this haha). Then we were going around saying our goodbyes ...because in Mexican culture when you leave you go and say bye to everyone....a little girl came and asked me if I would dance with this guy. Ha. Obviously I could not...but it was just funny.

I like Spanish people.

Soo..I was reading Helamen 14 the other day and really liked a few scriptures where it talks about spiritual death. We know that through Jesus Christ we can over come spiritual death and when I thought of this before I always thought about repentance and the atonement. But these scriptures explain it a little differently and it made a light bulb go off in my head. Because Jesus resurected (is that right?) we WILL come into the presence of God again, therefore we wont be cut off from his presence...BUT if we dont use the atonement we will have a second spiritual death. You probably all knew this but it was sweet for me. The atonement is amazing!

We have been teaching a lot of people lately and just going going going. I love the people here and I love teaching them. I cant wait until my spanish is AWESOME and I can totally express what I feel. But luckily its really the spirit that does the teaching so Im good to go. :)

I hope all is well and I hope everyone is busy and having a good time. Let me know how everything is!

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