Sunday, June 26, 2011

Corn is not attractive

Family, first of all yes I recieved both of your letters. THANK YOU SO MUCH. you guys are so amazing. THanks Mom for keeping me updated on all that is going on in good Ol Las Vegas.

I wont lie I was really sad when I found out the Handys are moving. I cant picture coming home without the Handys being there. How is Vanessa going to visit?? :( And the Handys have been such a good influence in the ward and the community. Sad to see them go.

Well...this will be another quick one. But so I dont forget can you get Blake's address for me so I can write him? also maybe you could ask Lori to get the address of Jordan Edgel. THanks.

Also you "missionary moms" are noobs haha
I am so happy to hear dad is recovering well! Tell him to write me and Happy Fathers Day! I actually thought of Mariah this morning and was like woaaa...she is going to be a high school graduate and I thought for a milisecond of my life at that time. Weird. I can hardly imagine. DOnt want to....ah. Aw I love Brianna I bet she is having so much fun in Idaho. I just sent her a letter to her house in Vegas. WHoops. Hopefully Ill have her address there soon.

SO these are so points from my week...

SO one day we were knocking doors and behind us we hear "muchachas guerras" Which pretty much means white we both snap our heads back and the man who said it like scurried off. I love when they think we dont speak spanish hahahaha.

OH thanks for sending the testigos my way. I am sending you a picture of me and one of their fliers that has a picture of Voldy (voldemort) on it...

Ok so we run every morning..and I suck at waking up but I am awake at 623 every morning. Well so we ran a different way the other day and I was still half asleep and I guess I didnt pick up my feet very much because i totally ate it. Also I put all of my weight on my right hand and thought...this has to be broken. Luckily no...i just have some gnarly cuts and it hurts a little bit. BUT good news Spanish people totally do the dead fish handshake so I dont have to worry about it very much hahahaha.

So the 20 year old that we live with (well her parents). She works at the cheesecake factory and the other day she brought a slice of red velvet cheesecake home for me. Hallelujah!

So Erika y Genaro arent getting baptized right now and things are kinda hectic with them but i am just over come with love and concern for them and I wouldnt trade that feeling for anything.

Oh ive been eating corn for like every meal for a week...because its really cheap. haha.

Ok I love you all so much. Read the Book of Mormon because its true. I know the Lord will guide us and protect us when we are doing the things we are suppose to be doing.

I love youuuu!!

Oh and the other pictures are one of me and my comp with flans and our matching outfits that we didnt mean to wear. Then with me and Erika and her kids.

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