Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Newbury park, California!!

Hola from "Los Robles"....or Newbury Park! Woo hoo! Man usually weeks FLY by here...and I guess this last week did as well but I can't believe Ive only been here for a week. So I guess I will tell you about my new area. Hermana Burch (my new companion see picture) are the only spanish missionaries in the whole stake. SO that means our area is the whole stake. We cover the Thousand Oaks stake. I'm pretty sure Bishop Craig said he grew up here? Maybe. If so he's lucky because it is SO beautiful here! I love it. Sure its not the coast but its right over the hill. The work here is so different than Oxnard..for one Oxnard had 2 spanish wards in the city and we have a "group" that is part of an English ward...i think were 20 spanish members there on Sunday. Crazy and all the Spanish people live in random pockets. We are so excited though because we have come up with a plan and I really think we are going to see miracles from it. Anyway so we live with members the Deffense family. They are super cool. She served a mission in Chile and hes from Portugal. They have 2 sons on missions one in Brazil and one in Portugal. Then they have a 20 year old daughter that lives at home. Its so different, but I like it.
Hermana Burch and I speak only spanish with eachother and thats also different, i like it a lot, I think my spanish will definitley improve. The only problem is its kinda hard to really get to know each other, but thats ok itll work out. She is a super awesome missionary and is from a little town near Seattle.
One thing I love is that I actually got to do a random act of service in Oxnard we always offered to help people but they never let us, the other day we saw someone washing his car and we totally helped him. It was super fun.
We have a couple people preparing for baptism and they are so amazing! I love them so much!
I got Mariah's graduation announcement in the mail! Its so pretty! I can't believe shes graduating, thats so weird. Congrats on graduating from seminary too!
Mom school sounds like it is keeping you busy but thank goodness there is a light at the end of the tunnel! That is so exciting! Do you have to take off a lot of work to do it?
Dad...glad to hear you have healthy lungs...and stuff haha. Good luck with surgery I will have you in my prayers and am sure glad you will have a new ...belly button. Will it look normal?? Ugh...belly buttons are just weird.
Oh..random note...the other pictures are from Oxnard one is with some kids of a family we were teaching and the other is with my zone leaders in Oxnard..I really don't know what we were doing or why I am sending it but there ya go..haha. Didn't send it the family history computers are too slow haha
Everyone sounds like they are doing great and I'm super glad to hear that! Oh so...haha I'm awful but could you tell Vanessa I totally knew it was her birthday yesterday and was totally thinking of her but I still havent gotten stamps..but I am writing her a letter today and hopefully will send it tomorrow. Also Happy Birthday to Dad and Lori! Love you all!
I have an amazing family and I am so grateful for you all! Have a good week!

I know I can't say "ROllin hard in the 'Nard anymore...I'll have to come up with something cool for Newbury Park...

Hermana Tippetts

Also...tell bishop I will write the ward...when I get stamps. Sorry!

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