Thursday, October 20, 2011

Newbury park....Lets slay this week

Hello Family! So one of the Elders was super bummed that his family didnt write him so he decided he wasnt going to write them back and I gave him a really hard time about it and said thats silly just write them back. Well....I have to take my own advice today. Haha :)

How is everyone? How is your October? Whats the weather like there?

Newbury Park is great. Its still pretty warm but Im not complaining. Every day I re-love it here more and more. I was nervous when I first got the call that I would be coming back so soon but I dont know why, I almost feel like I love it here more than I did the time before. I also really love being companions with Hermana Clark. We are a lot a like and she is just so sweet and easy going. I love it.

Lets see...this week has seriously been so crazy. I think we laughed so hard so many times saying "did that really just happen?"
I think it started last tuesday when we parked our car and started walking and saw this CSI van with this guy walking around with rubber gloves and plastic evidence bags. Hijole! Then that very day we were about to take lunch when we noticed we had a missedcall and a voicemail from the mission office. We were like we listened to the voicemail and it was one of the missionary couples informing us that they had a new car waiting for us in Ventura and they wanted to know if we could come and pick it up today. We had like an hour and half until our next appointment (including lunch) so we decided it was the best time. So we hurried and left Newbury park and got to Ventura. We got a brand new toyota carolla that smells oh so good. But we are always so nervous because we dont want to hurt her. Her name is fraisa. That literally means strawberry but if you call a girl a fraisa it pretty much means valley girl. Oh and our brakes on our other car had a little issue on the way there and we had to stop to let them cool down so we were so worried we werent going to get back to our appointment in time but we made it back with5 minutes to spare. It was awesome!!!! Miracles.

THe Newbury Park missionaries are going to be the most in shape missionaries. Every other week we have a kick boxing work out class and it is intense. I was sore all this last week. One of my favorite part is I got to beat up some Elders. You never get to do that. Ha so the guy had like two giant pads that you hold and the Elders were chasing me like they were attacking me and I was suppose to hit and kick them. It waspretty awesome.

Ha one of my favorite things that happened this week...So one morning I was NOT feeling up to getting up and working out. So I started tellig my companion that I just wanted to we were laying in bed and I couldnt say it in English for the life of me. I kept starting over trying to say it in english but it would come out in spanish. Finally I just grew up and we went to the work out class. Later that day I was like p.s. I wasnt trying to speak to you in spanish this morning and my companion started cracking up. She was like I was wondering why you were speaking spanish to me.

So cool miracle. When I was here last time we started teaching this lady Lorena. Well as soon as I got back here i asked about her but hna clark said she moved and they dont know where. Well we had found this lady Carina the other day and we came back for our appointment and she wasnt there....BUT.....LORENA ANSWERED THE DOOR. How crazy is that. Its totally on the opposite side of town from where she lived before...crazy. SO now we are teaching Lorena again.

Oh another amazing thing. SO we were knocking at like 8 and this guy opened the door and was just like its late can you come back another day. SO we set up an appointment. We came back but he wasnt there but his wife let us in and he walks in 5 min later and was like "HERMANAS I THOUGHT YOUD NEVER COME!!!" then he went and sat all of his kids down to listen to us. We were teaching the restoration and as we were talking about prophets him and his wife asked us "why arent there prophets any more???" ....GOOD QUESTION. It was amazing. The spirit was really strong and we were able to say a kneeling prayer with them and one of the kids said the prayer.

Oh then one day we had to go to the bathroom and decided to walk from las casitas to ralphs hoping we could talk to people on the way. Well we get to ralphs and we run into one of my old investgatores and were able to talk to him. It was perfect timing. I LOVE SEEING THE LORDS HAND IN HIS WORK!

Ah there is just so much...but I dont have time. One day Ill be able to tell it all. But I love this work. We are teaching so much and no we have 2 people with baptismal dates and when we first started we had 0. I love this work. I love this area! Being a missionary rocks!

OH one more funny thing that can help you all understand what im like right now (an elder explained this to me). When you come out on a mission you have this bucket full of awkwardness. The faster you dump it out the easier missionary work is..because your not worried about being awkward. Can I just tell you I dont feel awkward about anything any more. Ive realized this is why RMs are so ...awkward haha. OK


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