Monday, October 31, 2011

HAPPY HALLOWEEN ...... or even better NEVADA DAY

Hola family. How is it going? Thanks for the emails. I love the pictures of the pumpkins. My companion and i have really wanted to carve pumpkins but of course there is not time for that (but we have the rest of our lives to carve pumpkins), but needless to say we enjoyed the pictures. This morning between personal and companion study Hna Clark was like HAPPY HALLOWEEN....and I was like don't you mean happy nevada day??? And she started cracking up....and I told her that we get the day off of school and she thought was the most ridiculous thing ever...and I was super serious and was just like get a week off of school to help pick "spuds" tell me who is ridiculous. She then reminded me that they get two weeks off.....hahaha. I just love her.

Stuff here in Newbury is great. I could say the same thing every week. Its great, we are working hard, finding people, teaching ext. But I guess Ill give you some examples of the stuff that has been going on.

So funny things:
We went by some former investigators and there father answered the door and he was of a different religion and was getting kinda upset with us being there so I just asked him if we could sing him a song and get on our way....he told me to sing to "her" (hna clark) and shut the door. It was....interesting...funny...and mostly sad. I sang to Hna Clark, no worries.

So one of the semi less active members is pregnant and going to have her baby this next week and we were knocking in the area and saw people carrying big boxes into her house...well one little woman was doing it so we went over to help. We then realized that they were giant boxes of we carried them in. They were planning a baby shower for her and invited us to come back. We told them we'd try but we weren't really planning on it. So fast forward later that night we are walking by and they were doing something at her party so we kinda stopped and looked for a second and this lady we didn't know came out and invited us in (this is why I love spanish people, they will invite anyone into their party). We looked in and noticed that one of our investigators wife was there (who isn't the most fond of us) so we decided to go in. We went and sat by her and had some conversation and told her how we were coming over the next day. We were there for like 10 min and it was so funny. Right before we left they made us play this game. They blindfolded us and told us to put lipstick on her...totally got all over her face haha...

Cool stuff:
So there is this investigator Jesus who I taught before too...hes been taught by soooo many different missionaries. He is with one of our members and is kinda on the stubborn side. But we taught him the Restoration and it was a really spiritual lesson and I really feel like he got it this time. I think he understands how its the church of Christ. We also got the most committed response from him that Ive ever heard about reading the Book of Mormon and praying. Im really excited about it. Its amazing what the spirit can do.

Another day we parked in Las Casitas (pretty much where we spend most of our time) and we were kinda loud because Hna Clark was teasing me for parking on the other side of las casitas then where we were going, and out of the house comes one of our investigators and she was like "you are so loud". Haha then she started talking to us and we had a lesson with her...and she just really really really needed us in that moment and it was super spiritual. She could just feel Gods love for her and I can just see her testimony growing. She's amazing...this is Ashley by the way.

NEW PERSON! His name is Fili and he is SO awesome. So...we were looking for a former investigator and he didn't live there any more, so we talked to the woman that lived there and taught her a bit about the Book of Mormon and got a return appointment with her. So we went back and taught her fully about the Book of Mormon and right as we were about to sing a hymn this man walked in and we invited him to listen to the hymn. He listened and was really emotional so we invited him to make an appointment with him. So we went by this saturday and taught him about the Book of Mormon. His first question was "What is the purpose of this life" eyes got kinda big and I looked at my companion. PURE JOY. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and the spirit was sooo strong from start to finish of the lesson. It was seriously amazing. We both walked away speechless.........

and to illustrate the ups and downs of missionary work....

Our next appointment was just throwing anti stuff at us the whole time...wasnt listening or anything. It was crazy.

Anyway, I love this work and it just keeps moving on and on...I love my leaders...and the ward we serve.

Thank you so much for the package, Im hoping Ill be able to wear the jacket, the weather has just been so pleasant here. I love the tape and have listened to all of it. Both me and my companion was cracking up at the kids, so funny. YOU ARE THE BEST FAMILY EVER! Also the book of mormon in spanish cds rock. Me and my companion have been listening to them in the car and they make me sooo happy. SPANISH IS MY FAVORITE!



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