Tuesday, February 21, 2012

crazy week

Hola. Sooo sorry I didn't write until today, I forgot to mention that this week our Pday got moved to tuesday because we had zone conference yesterday. It was great. We were all spiritually filled. We learned a lot how to be better teachers and one thing that I loved was that we talked briefly about how we can only change through the sanctifying of the Holy Ghost, which is so true. We can make goals all day but that is just on the surface, if we want to change our desires it comes through the Holy Ghost. I know my desires have changed through reading the Book of Mormon daily.

So yeah. It was so great. So today is Pday, then we have a full day tomorrow...well we have to leave Ventura at about 6 then we are headed to Bakersfield!! We will be gone thursday friday and saturday and will drive back Sunday morning and go right to church. When we are gone we just stay with the Hermanas (or Sisters) we are visiting. Its super exciting. I was able to go to Newbury Park on Saturday and Oxnard on wednesday. So fun to work with all the sisters.

One cool thing that happened this week was we knocked on a door and talked to a man a bit and he was like sure you can come by and my roommate has some questions for you. So we made the appointment and she opened the door and she was so EXCITED to see us. She was like sit down I have so many questions for you. So we sat down and she just started going off. First she mentioned that her family did not believe in God and Jesus going up but in taroh cards and stuff like that but shes had some weird encounters and decided that she needed to know more about Jesus so she was doing some prayer and was just asking for a sign of what she needed to do......AND WE KNOCKED ON THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!! She was too embarassed and shocked at the moment to come talk to us but she was waiting for us to come back. We taught her about prayer and a little about the Book of Mormon. She was really excited to read it. Only problem is she is from England and is only in the states for the 3 months and only in Ventura until the end of the week and we are leaving wednesday night. AH. But we are getting all her info so she can be passed on to where she is going. SO AMAZING.

Its been a really interesting transition having to teach in English, having to do these exchanges, and just everything. But I know that the Lord will qualify those he calls.

I got your cards from the family home evening activity. Thanks so much, they were super cute!!! Love them.

So about the camping trip. I am so sorry again, I feel so bad. I really want to go still but I think it might be kinda sad to just be able to go half the week but we can. Or you can just get rid of them. Whatever you all decide to do is good. My companion mentioned that you might want to try craigslist and see if anyone is willing to trade. Who knows. Whatever is good with me. Really. So whatever the family wants to do. Also Katie invited me to the wedding? That would be super fun.

I really love spanish, I dont know what phrases to teach you? haha what do you want to learn? We have been teaching in English a lot lately and I just miss spanish and spanish people a lot. We are really focused on english, atleast this week. But I am so grateful for the ability to speak spanish. Love it!

Anyway Im just loving it up and VENTURA IS SOOO BEAUTIFUL!

Ok love you have a great week and talk to you on Monday!

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