Sunday, February 5, 2012

buenes diaz!

Have you noticed the subjects of my emails have gotten really boring? haha sorry about that. Creative juices gone haha. So we are here emailing...haha. I just bought some running shoes, FINALLY. Mine were so beat up. I hope I like these ones.

So this week.....oh it has been a week. A WONDERFUL WEEK...

SILVIA AND MELISSA GOT BAPTIZED AND CONFIRMED THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!! It was so beautiful and you could tell Hno Tomas (Silvia's husband) was just soooo happy. It was such a precious day. We also had 5 investigators that showed up to the baptism and at least 20 non members. Silvia got up afterwards and bore a beautiful testimony and told everyone "who were there who weren't baptized" that they needed to be baptized. YAY! She got a calling on sunday but we won't find out what it is until next week.
(and Silvia and Tomas asked if they could come visit us in Las Vegas one day, I told them of course)

We also had our very first family home evening this Friday. It went over pretty well. We didn't have a huge huge turn out but Mario (investigator) came and feels a lot more confidence with the other members. He feels really supported. It was good for the members too because a lot of them don't have families or they just don't know how to do a family home evening, so this will help them. Its also a good way for them to invite their friends to meet the missionaries. Success.

President came to interview Silvia on wednesday and then he decided "to just stay for district meeting". Eek. So we were about to do a EDPEP (its what we do to practice a principle we just learned, its like role playing) Anyway my companion was acting as an investigator so I had to teach with someone else...normally an Elder..but as I was slinking off I heard president say "Hna TIppetts, Ill teach with you". Stressful. Haha. No it was really great and we were talking about the gospel and committing people to be baptism. We taught one of the elders investigators and the scriptures we used they used this week with her and committed her to baptism!!!!!!!!!! District meetings are so inspired. Our district leader also taught us a new way to teach the gospel and we used it with Mario and committed him to be baptized as well!! He accepted for the 3rd of March!!!!! Yay!

Rosendo (the man me and Hna Clark found at the gas station) has now been to church twice and he came to the baptism. He says he knows this is true but I feel like he needs to strengthen his testimony in Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, but we are getting there.

Rosario is still just as precious and really liked the plan of salvation this week. Has doubts that she can get work off. This is such a hard thing with these people.

We have been teaching members how to be better missionaries and challenging them to do things to invite their friends to learn. We are waiting to see the results.

We finally were able to teach Lorena the Restoration and she was AMAZED. She commented to her friend how beautiful it all was. The spirit was so strong. It amazes me how strong I feel the spirit EVERY TIME we teach the restoration. Never gets old.

One thing I was thinking today as I studied about hope is that hope is the faith that helps have joy every day. When we have HOPE we have CONFIDENCE that God WILL fulfill his promises no matter how bad today looks. We show our Hope and our confidence in him when we use our free agency to press forward. When we receive that confidence, we have great joy every day.

I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am soooo grateful that we know exactly what the gospel of jesus christ is through the Book of Mormon and Bible. I will be eternally grateful to know that Christ lives and to know HOW to use his atonement.

Im glad everything is going well at home. Did dad give up the del sol??? He just got it. Hm. Your family home evenings sound great. I did get the BYU I info. I filled it out today, now president just has to do my endorsement. Yay! It wasn't too stressful I don't really allow myself to think about that stuff except on Pday.

I love you all so much and thanks for writing me!

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