Monday, February 6, 2012

"It may not be on a battle front my lord will of need of me."

So a few random things....first off this week was the end of the month and we were really short on miles but we had an appointment in thousand oaks (which is far away) and we really felt like we needed to see her. So we started out on foot. It took forever!! But we madejust 10 minutes after our appoiontment...and she wasnt there. Ah. but we were like...ok we have to be here for a reason. So we went and talked to the people in front of her house and they werent super receptive. Well....we needed to get our spanish study in so we decided to treat ourselves and go to taco bell and study. As we were walking there a man turned the corner in these booty spandex shorts and he was about to start running but we stopped him and started talking to him. Turns out hes a screen writter in Los Angeles and also a painter and painted Princess Diana and Ronald Reagan. So we pretty much just walked with him for a while and taught him versions of the restoration and the plan of salvation. IT WAS SO COOL! He then was like well Ill take your contact information and be in contact with you. We both felt really good about it and decided if that was the only reason that went to thousand oaks that was ok. So then fast forward and later that night we were planning and we got a phone call. IT WAS ALEX...the man who was walking. He thanked us and tol us that he was having a really bad day and with all the glitz and glamor of Hollywood its easy to forget the important things. When then told him about the Holy Ghost and asked if missionaries could come by and he said he was in the process of moving right now but he would love for the missionaries to come by in LA!! SO COOL! Then he also mentioned he wanted to be our lifelong friends hahaha. But it was so amazing.

Mario...hes just crazy. I love the guy to death but hes really overcoming some things from his past but the best part about it is HES OVERCOMING THEM! I just see the atonement working in his life every day because he reads his scriptures and comes to church. His attitudes are changing about the world and himself (see bible dictionary under repentence). So cool thing that happened. Elder Alonso was in the mission this week (of the 70) and so they decided to have a little spanish fireside in ventura. We were allowed to go if we had investigators going. Well we had Mario and Rosendo come. I sat with Mario and told him to pray before to have his questions answered. When Elder Alonso got up to speak he basically said "If you are waiting to know everything about the church before you get baptized you will never know unless you have the gift of the Holy Ghost, so get baptized as soon as you can"...I looked over at Mario and he was crying. IT WAS SO INSPIRED!!!. it was all in spanish and just wonderful. I also got to shake Elder Alonso's hand before the meeting started.

One thing that Elder Alonso said that really touched me was that he was talking about the story of Nefi killing Laban and I was like....ummmm this is an interesting story but he went on to talk about how the spirit told him to KILL HIM NOW. There was no..if you want to. He then said Laban didnt want them to make itto the promise land with all that they needed...and that we all have a Laban inside of us that is keeping us from getting to the promised land, and we need to kill it now (or repent)! I thought that was so amazing. Such wonderful insight.

So yeah its been a good week. Oh mom you said a package with shirts? Well I got a package with the skirt you sent me and also the sweaters Robin and Renee sent me. Is that what you are talking about? Also could I have their address so I could thank them? You should definitley right that sister missionary. I am sure she will appreciate it...

OH probably want to know whats happening with us for transfers....WELLLLLLL....Hna Hunter is staying here and getting a new companion. I will be going to Ventura and I will be with Sister Dalton(an english sister). We ill be covering a english ward and a spanish branch. (part of them). Its called a "traveling sister" pretty much we go around and do exchanges with the sisters in the mission. Crazy. It was such a shock, but I will go and do and the Lord will help me.


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